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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Kneel Down — my boycott against the NFL over Kaepernick

I don't want to do this. That's what I told my high school freshman football coach in my first and only year playing football at any level. I was getting beat up in practice and didn't have a clue what I was actually supposed to do as a third string "nose" tackle. And I was doing all this at a school not exactly known for its football program, so there was literally no fame or glory for getting bruised and abused each practice. I was going to quit the team. Quit football. However, a swift kick in the keister from my mom provided enough, uh, encouragement for me not to give up on a sport I dedicated so much time and effort to. I lost weight, gained social skills, and genuinely began to love the game. I loved it even more once I stepped off the field and watched and learned with each passing day. I haven't stopped loving football, and more succinctly the NFL, since I was introduced to it in 1999. Until today. I'll try no...